ISO 8601:2000(E)
© ISO 2000 ­ All rights reserved
Alternative format
By mutual agreement of the partners in information interchange, duration may be expressed in conformity with the
format used for time-points, as specified in 5.2.1, 5.2.2, 5.2.3, and 5.4, where the formats of 5.4 are restricted
for the date component to the formats in 5.2.1 and for the time-of-the-day component to the formats in through The values expressed must not exceed the "carry-over points" of 12 months, 30 days, 24 hours, 60 minutes
and 60 seconds. Since weeks have no defined carry-over point (52 or 53), weeks should not be used in these
applications. In these expressions the year component may have the value [0000] and the month and day-of-the-
month components may have the value [00]. Truncated representations may only be used if the omitted components
are zero.
5.5.4 Complete representations
Where complete representations using calendar dates in a time-point component are shown in 5.5.4, a complete
representation of ordinal dates (5.2.2) or of dates identified by week number (5.2.3) may be substituted for the
calendar date.
Where complete representations using local-time-of-the-day in a time-point component are shown in 5.5.4, a
complete representation of coordinated universal time (5.3.3) or local time and the difference with Coordinated
Universal Time ( may be substituted for local-time-of-the-day.
Where complete representations using the expression PnYnMnDTnHnMnS in a duration component are shown in
5.5.4, the expression PnW ( may be substituted in a similar fashion.
Representation of time-intervals identified by start and end
When the application identifies the need for a complete representation of a time-interval, identified by its start and its
end, it shall use an expression in accordance with 5.5.2 combining any two complete date and time of the day
representations as defined in 5.4.1, provided that the resulting expression is either consistently in basic format or
consistently in extended format.
Basic format:
Extended format:
A time-interval beginning at 20 minutes and 50 seconds past 23 hours on 12 April 1985 local time and ending at
30 minutes past 10 hours on 25 June 1985 local time.
Representation of time-interval by duration only
Format with time-unit designators
When an application identifies the need for a complete representation of a time-interval through its duration only, with
duration in the format with time-unit designators, it shall use an expression in accordance with 5.5.2 using a complete
duration representation as defined in
Basic and extended format:
A time-interval with a duration of two years, 10 months, 15 days, 10 hours, 30 minutes and 20 seconds.
A time-interval with a duration of six weeks.