
Internet Explorer: Stop using it. Please stop!

Seriously, just stop it! I have unscrewed at least a dozen machines the last month and sole the problem with these machines is spyware or trojans or worms or whatever have demolished the system to the point the desktop won't even load.

Where did they come from? Very simple. They came from unfixed flaws in Internet Explorer. Maybe you've not installed the latest Windows patches or maybe MS hasn't fixed the bugs or maybe you're running an unsupported version of Windows (such as Windows 95 or 98). Seriously, I no longer care why your machine is being infected with this junk. If you can't stop these things from invading your computer then you need to just stop using Internet Explorer. Please.

Maybe some website you just love or "need" won't work without IE. Complain to them. Loudly. But I really doubt you'll find many that do not work. And I suggest you ponder which is worse: a broken website or a broken computer. I implore you to just stop using Internet Explorer. Today. Right now. Not tomorrow or next week or when some other browser reaches some version number.

If your computer uses windows 95, 98, Me, or 2000 I'd suggest you do this:
  1. Install Firefox
  2. Grab this zip and run ieradicator2001a.exe to remove IE entirely
If your computer uses Windows XP then at least install Mozilla Firefox web browser and use it instead of Internet Explorer. In fact, delete the Internet Explorer icon from your desktop and start menu so someone else doesn't accidentally run it.

Maybe you have have some clue what you're doing and live in a home with other people who insist on using IE on the computer you use. Try this: import the IE bookmarks into Firefox, make a copy of the Firefox desktop icon, change the icon to the one IE uses and then rename that icon to say Internet Explorer. Then install a theme that makes Firefox look like IE. Do this for each user on the machine, of course. Then wait and see how many months pass before anyone notices, if they ever do.


Thank you. That is all.
