
Task oriented computing

Task Oriented Computing

  1. Turn on the computer.
  2. Add color to great-grandfather's photo.
  3. Create a new document and write an essay.
  4. Search the web for chili recipes.

Brand Oriented Computing

  1. Boot Windows.
  2. Photoshop great-grandfather's photo.
  3. Open MS Word and write an essay.
  4. Google for chili recipes.

Brand Name Madness

People seem to become emotionally attached to brand names. I find this fascinating. In software, it seems to have the effect of paralyzing these people when they are confronted with an unfamiliar brand. Some people will simply refuse to use any other brand just on the principal that it isn't the one they normally use.

Take paper towers, for instance. Really, what is the difference between generic and brand name paper towels? As far as I can tell the price is the only significant difference. Maybe the really expensive ones are slightly fluffier with some pictures on them. But think about it for a moment. They will be used for mere seconds and then become trash. Yet many people will absolutely refuse to use any other brand but the one they always buy.

If so many people weren't like this I'd think it was some sort of mental dysfunction. Maybe it's localized mass insanity.
